What do Ofsted say about us?
Our first Ofsted inspection took place in January 2015 and the overall outcome was ‘GOOD’.The inspection report highlights the following points:‘Overall, staff use an effective system of observational assessment to plan activities that are relevant to children’s interests and learning needs. Staff liaise closely with parents to ensure that all children make good progress.’Staff are proactive in encouraging children to develop close relationships. in particular, babies are well supported during settling-in periods and consequently develop a real sense of belonging.’
The management team is vigilant with regards to safeguarding. Staff are attentive to children’s safety and security, both indoors and outdoors.’.‘Staff provide good quality teaching that enables children to learn through play and exploration.’‘Staff maintain a calm atmosphere. This encourages the children to behave responsibly.’‘The manager works closely with her area manager to encourage staff in their professional development.’‘The manager invites parents to contribute in different ways to children’s learning.’